

Textile spinning is the magical process of transforming raw fibres into yarns. These yarns
serve as the building blocks for creating various fabrics and textiles. Imagine fluffy fibres
twisted into long, thin strands ready for weaving or knitting – that’s spinning! Without
it, we’d just
have loose fibres floating around, which wouldn’t be very convenient for making
clothes or anything
textile-related. Spinning aligns the fibres, improves their strength, and
makes them manageable for
further processes.

Machinery and Yarn

Variety at FMT, over 30,000 spindles and 10,000 rotors are equipped with machinery imported
from China, Japan, and Germany. These machines can produce a broad variety
of yarn types,

 Slub Yarn: Yarn with intentional thick and thin sections.
 Poly Cotton: Blend of polyester and cotton.
 100% Cotton: Pure cotton yarn.
Ensuring Contamination-Free

Yarn To prevent contamination, blow room lines and auto cone machines at FMT are equipped
with the latest machinery. The recent addition of Saurer SC7 carding
machines, Saurer drawing
frames, Taiten K80 Rotor Machines and Murata 21C Auto coners has
improved spinning capacity.

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